Director’s Message

                    Mr. Ashok Yadav


“Arise, Awake & Don’t Stop till the goal is achieved” 

A child’s education is a unique process – formulated by mankind – to unlock natural potential and, also, to instill a desire to learn. Imparting knowledge and wisdom, instilling ‘Sanskaar’, an ability to distinguish between right and wrong, emphasizing on teamwork, preparing a child for his or her quest in life, especially in today’s rapidly advancing world, are the processes involved in educating a child –and this endeavor has taken on a whole new meaning, in today’s digitalized environment.


I hope that you will find the contents of this website as enthralling, exciting and invigorating as the reality of my daily experience as the director of Ashoka International School. As I walk through the portals of this institution, I am captivated by the enthusiasm of our students, the expertise of our community. I hope you will have the same sense of joyful discovery as you navigate this site.