Principal Speak’s

             Mrs. Shashi Bala


                                                                                                                    Our Principal entered the field of education almost 21 years ago. AIS was setup in 2003 under her guidance and direction. Her vision, passion and belief have been the guiding force behind the Ashoka International School. Through all this work, we have learned a great deal about the nature of the school principal’s role, what makes for an effective principal and how to tie principal effectiveness to improved student achievement.

It gives me immense pleasure to write this message as the Head of the School of Ashoka International School, a banner to be proud of indeed. I believe knowledge is knowing facts; wisdom is knowing what to do with those. Therefore the focus would be on providing knowledge to our students and then make them wise enough to know and utilise it.

Our main focus would e to equip them with skills that will see them forge ahead confidently and gracefully. No school can accomplish the vision it has without its co-partners that is its parents. I have no doubt that the AIS students parents will stand by me in all the endeavours to achieve greater glory for the school.

“O Lord lead me from falsehood to truth; And from darkness to light.”

“I pledge my support and guidance to every student in all arenas of their life.” BEST WISHES ALWAYS!!